Friday, August 12, 2011

What should I do with my life?

I was forced to drop out of college with only 1.5 credits remaining due to financial issues. The Private loan company which I was using, chase, decided that I did not qualify for their student loans any longer due to my parents financial situation. I still had 2 full years remaining when they stopped paying for my education, so I was forced to use the governments financial aide loans, which I have now racked up more than $40,000 with, on top of the $100,000 i borrowed from chase. I was forced to move away from the school because there was no work in the city or all of Oregon for that matter and I was desperate to start making payments on my loans. I was forced to move back home and still can't find any decent work other than part time minimum wage which is only $7.36 here in colorado. I have been unemployed for about a year, and have 2 loans in default, but I am making sure to pay my credit card payments on time. I am just about out of money, and still have no job prospects. Even if I were to take a minimum wage job here I wouldn't make enough to pay all of my bills... I am very lost in life and have no clue what to do. I would like to finish school, but see no way I can without financial aide and a job. I have attempted to contact all of the History professors at both the University I attended and the Local University here in Colorado asking for work; whether it be cleaning their office or helping with research, and have had no positive result. My parents are just as strapped for cash as I am, my mother is working 3 jobs and barley making enough to feed herself let alone me, and my father is a jeweler who has been out of work for some time due to large jewelry chains like zales and walmart. I have a girlfriend in Oregon who I was forced to leave, and now have been desperately trying to find short term work so that I can quickly pay my credit card bills and move back with her in Oregon. She means the world to me and not being able to see here is like being trapped in hell. My life is falling apart, I need some advice... What should I do? Where should I look for work? Is there anything I can do to pay off these credit card bills fast so I can see my girl friend again? any advice would be greatly accepted!

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