Friday, August 12, 2011

Are the diamonds real in my ls jewelers braclet GS/325 ?

it has 11 single stones & 11 square settings w\ 5 small square stones in it. the round & square design every other one are the stones real diamonds?

I'm not sure what I own... what are my options?

First off if you are getting divs then you will have to pay taxes on them, just so you know. Is that the only stock? If its TRowe price, then call them and ask what you need to do to get setup with an online account so you know what you have and how much the divs are paying you, etc. Yes you can cash them in if you want.

How ca i get free treatment if i am not earning enough money?

i have this problem as far as i remember and is really embarrassing for me i cant smile i had a treatment before but it did`t work out i think that i need to have a proper treatment and i am having difficult with money to do so i think that you can help me

Is it okay to be friends with a gay guy?

Yes, a straight guy can befriend a gay guy. If your girlfriend is secure she wouldn't think that you're gay

Is my fiance mentally "slow"?

My goodness. That sounds monumentally frustrating. Does he have an post traumatic stress or anything that you are aware of? I wish I could help you. This seems like there is obviously some sort of mental lapse there. Is there anyway you could address the situation where he wont feel threatened. Somehow say like hun I am feeling frustrated by the way things are transpiring. I feel we need to sit and come up with a firm plan so we know what we are doing. Its important we stay on the same page. I dont want you upset about feeling you need to do things when that is not necessarily the case. If you come up with a solution and it comes back to the same old situation perhaps you could contact a health facility in your area. Maybe they would have better insight and could help you. It sounds like if it isn't addressed it could be a very challenging relationship. To know what you are dealing with would make it so much easier. It may just be a simple thing like getting a to do chart and writing - go to such and such to look for rings or take (whatever your name is) to this place or that place, Maybe the visual reminder will help his brain from skipping ahead. I don't mean this in a condescending manner at all. Just a suggestion. I hope you find the answers you are looking for

Please Review my Navy Reserve Officer Training Corps Essay?

It looks good to me. But to be honest I have no idea what they are looking for. Very good story. Good Luck!

2.7 gpa and 2100 sat... can i get into a university?

Go to community college, raise your GPA to least a 3.0, and then transfer to an university. It is nothing wrong with it. Most colleges that accept freshmen require a med-high GPA.

What should I do with my life?

I was forced to drop out of college with only 1.5 credits remaining due to financial issues. The Private loan company which I was using, chase, decided that I did not qualify for their student loans any longer due to my parents financial situation. I still had 2 full years remaining when they stopped paying for my education, so I was forced to use the governments financial aide loans, which I have now racked up more than $40,000 with, on top of the $100,000 i borrowed from chase. I was forced to move away from the school because there was no work in the city or all of Oregon for that matter and I was desperate to start making payments on my loans. I was forced to move back home and still can't find any decent work other than part time minimum wage which is only $7.36 here in colorado. I have been unemployed for about a year, and have 2 loans in default, but I am making sure to pay my credit card payments on time. I am just about out of money, and still have no job prospects. Even if I were to take a minimum wage job here I wouldn't make enough to pay all of my bills... I am very lost in life and have no clue what to do. I would like to finish school, but see no way I can without financial aide and a job. I have attempted to contact all of the History professors at both the University I attended and the Local University here in Colorado asking for work; whether it be cleaning their office or helping with research, and have had no positive result. My parents are just as strapped for cash as I am, my mother is working 3 jobs and barley making enough to feed herself let alone me, and my father is a jeweler who has been out of work for some time due to large jewelry chains like zales and walmart. I have a girlfriend in Oregon who I was forced to leave, and now have been desperately trying to find short term work so that I can quickly pay my credit card bills and move back with her in Oregon. She means the world to me and not being able to see here is like being trapped in hell. My life is falling apart, I need some advice... What should I do? Where should I look for work? Is there anything I can do to pay off these credit card bills fast so I can see my girl friend again? any advice would be greatly accepted!

My girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend and lied... What do I do about them?

Hi I’m 17 and I’ve had my gf, H, for almost 2 years now. I love her to death, she’s the only girl in the world for me, and I let her know how much I love her every single day. Even so, a week ago it was her birthday and she turned 18. I was at her party, of course, and we had a great time - it was at her place and there were a lot of our friends, but there was NO alcohol. But, the day after, my best friend, P, who I’ve always trusted, told me that after I left, they had sex together. I was heart-broken, literally, I still am. I called and called her, but she wouldn’t answer at first. P apologized to me a million times and said that she seduced him, but I did not believe him. Eventually, she texted me and we saw each other soon afterwards. At first she wanted to know how much I knew, and then she confessed and said she was sorry and that she still loves me the same way and that she doesn’t know why she did it. We talked for hours, and I felt somewhat better, but I was still shocked and felt extremely hurt. I always knew that we are soul mates, and this wasn’t clear to me. Anyway, we went on, and I’ve starting forgiving my friend too, cause he called me every day to check if I’m ok and my mom told me that this probably meant nothing to them and that it’s nothing to worry about. Anyway, I was at the beach yesterday with my cousin and there I saw them- H and P, together there, kissing. Now I’m completely lost. I haven’t told anything about this to any one of them, but I cried that whole day, I’m crying while writing this… Please, what to do? How can this be, what is going on? Should I face my girlfriend and ask her why she did it, or should I pretend that I didn’t see it because she might break up with me?? I don’t know what to do, I still love her with all my heart, but I’m lost?!!

Any recommendations on pet friendly restaurants in the East Bay, CA?

Especially breakfast places with patios in the cities of San Leandro, Alameda, Castro Valley, Hayward.

Where can I buy beanies for a cheap price?

I live in Alhambra, CA and want to buy a beanie. The cheapest one I can find is $16. So.. less than that.

How to seduce White women? Do they like men who wear sombreros, alligator boots, and skin tight jeans?

Maybe in some small texas town, you might be a hit but here in civilization, you'd probably be laughed at and then laughed at some more.

Did you know probably most guys on this planet would kill themselves if getting sex with women became,..?

Sounds to me like you should move to S.E. Asia where girls follow you around and want to do it with any guy...especially if there is a chance he may take her back to the Western World.

Hints for my new casual job?

I start work at Prouds jewelers on Thursday and I would really like some hints and tips on how to impress everyone there. It's my first job and I really need it.

Do parents realize nearly every teenage boy watches porn daily?

I would say at my school, 90% of guys from 13 watch porn. Having an age limit is just pointless. Parents say "It gives them the wrong idea about sex and love" yeah no teenager is actually going to try and seduce there friends mom, and if they did they would learn there lesson very fast. And at least we have a decent idea how to have sex the first time we do it. I bet so many [arents reading this will go "No not my son" I LOL at you. Unless they are religous or extremely straight edge and nerdy.

Is my cousin trying to have sex with me? PLEASE HELP!!!?

Okay so I'm a guy 16 and my cousin is a girl 15 when we were kids we used to sneak off and make out with eachother all the time. And one time we got caught and we never did it again. But last summer I went over her house and I had to sleep in her room. And after everybody went to sleep she started talking to me dirty like. Oh ya you like to **** that girl in her pussy. And everytime she would make this sucking noise. Like she was preparing to give me head . And as she was talking dirty to me she would move closer and closer to me and she would ask me if I'm hard and try and touch my dick to see if I was hard. I didn't do anything because I was just in shock when it was happening. My cousin is coming over in a few weeks to stay at my house and I feel like if she does that to me again I might give in. What do you think I should do. Has this ever happened to you? And please don't give me the speech about how were related.Is she trying to seduce me?

Question about jewelry repair? (any jewelers out there?)?

I think the problem is that the jeweler when bezel setting engagement rings has to ensure that the center diamond is safely set and will not pop out if the ring gets a blow from your finger,if will try you can easily find out the jewellery repairer who can do this work.

UPDATED Opinions on my poem - Hummingbird?

The poem has evolved with much better imagery, the rusted spade is especially nice, actually. The tone of the poem, which I think is the most important part, is now consistent. Any tweaks you do now should rely on keeping that imagery, and adding details from your memory. Thanks for sharing.

What do i do if my parents are never home and i really miss them?

my parents used to be jewelers but that did not work out as well my dad still is a jeweler but he and my mom are working at a beer distributor. i stay up late til they come home to say good night to them for like 2 minutes and thats all i get to see them from monday-saturday and on sundays we have breakfast together but afterwards they do house work that is like repairing any damages in my house..(theres always something wrong in my house) i help out by doingthe other chores like laundry and mowing and dishes so i give them less work but they just keep doing work and more work. i just want more time with them. time that doesnt include work of any kind. i already talked to them about this they said they are sorry but they have to work so that we can live in a house and wear nice clothes. i really miss my mom and dad i know there are people who have worse problems but i really need some advice and please give serious answers

Are there any affordable yoda places and gyms in placerville ca?

open to all suggestions...ive looked around a bit but everything seems a bit overpriced thanks...also would love to find a place with a pool and the yoga place and gym can totally be seperate Thanks

Can a slightly smaller diamond be fitted into a larger setting?

you can call any of these sellers and ask may be a href="" rel="nofollow"

How can I seduce my boyfriend?

I really want him to feel special but I want to do it without dressing up or anything. I'm going round his later to watch a movie and we are going to be alone, so do you have any tips on how to seduce him and make him want me?

How can I seduce my college lecturer?

He is 40 something, I am 20, he *isn't married*... I am prepared to do whatever it takes.... including wearing very revealing clothes and/or 'accidentally' touching him.

Which game should i buy? PC!?

Just cause 2 is a very very great game that will actually take alot of time to beat. And it has very good graphics and theres infinity of things to do! i definitely recommended!

How long does verizon take to deliver?

i live in cerritos, ca. if i order a phone from verizon wireless online at around 3:00 pm. how many days before it arrives?

Omg omg how can i fix this?

Thats not your best attempt at getting a guy. Sorry to break it the hard way, but kyle hates you now and jake wanted to get you naked (no offence, but it wasnt too hard). Jackie isn't your best friend, in fact this entire plot was sabotage. Yes, sabotage. She probably hates you or wants kyle for herself. Nothing worked because it was a horrible idea to begin with and that is NOT how you get a guy, unless you want a horndog like, say, jake. And it will follow you into sophmore year but I advise living it down. And frankly you can't fix this without changing schools. Sorry about the rudeness, but this was either trolling or stupidity at its finest

My 13 y.o. son needs to do court appointed community service but been having a hard time finding a place.?

My 13 y.o. boy has court appointed community service to do but we've been having a difficult time finding a place in West Covina , Ca. Can someone help us out

Would these make good villains for my fantasy story?

Plutolatry-a group of money-worshiping misers who have only one goal/purpose in life; to amass wealth by whatever means. They are completely greedy, avaricious, neurotic, collusive and untrustworthy. They have sideburns, bright green eyes and hairy palms. Their symbol is the she-wolf. They have a temple which they call the Almry. They work as bankers, accountants, usurers, moneylenders, jewelers, pawnbrokers, moneychangers, lawyers, morticians, restaurant/clothing owners, delicatessens, financiers and stockbrokers.

How to seduce a "straight" girl when Im bisexual ?

That's horrible! I'm sorry to hear that this happened to you. Rape is one of the most painful, traumatizing, and just all around worst things someone could ever go through. Your promiscuous behavior tends to be a common outcome to many people who experience this so you aren't alone. Here's a list of numbers you can call to get help: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a I'd recommend seeing a therapist as well who is experienced in deal with victims of sexual assault as well as getting tested for std's considering all the people you've slept with if you haven't already. I hope you can get help you need to recover from this and move on with your life and hopefully get the sick **** who did this to you behind bars. This is a serious issue.

What do you think of this passage?

"I will tell you a pleasant tale which has in it a touch of pathos. A man got religion, and asked the priest what he must do to be worthy of his new estate. The priest said, "Imitate our Father in Heaven, learn to be like him." The man studied his Bible diligently and thoroughly and understandingly, and then with prayers for heavenly guidance instituted his imitations. He tricked his wife into falling downstairs, and she broke her back and became a paralytic for life; he betrayed his brother into the hands of a sharper, who robbed him of his all and landed him in the almshouse; he inoculated one son with hookworms, another with the sleeping sickness, another with gonorrhea; he furnished one daughter with scarlet fever and ushered her into her teens deaf, dumb, and blind for life; and after helping a rascal seduce the remaining one, he closed his doors against her and she died in a brothel cursing him. Then he reported to the priest, who said that that was no way to imitate his Father in Heaven. The convert asked wherein he had failed, but the priest changed the subject and inquired what kind of weather he was having, up his way." --- Mark Twain, Letters From the Earth

Would he want me back?

Well yes either thinking any other rational man which is why sacrifice my career for some girl that might not even care later on you probably have to prove your there to start something serious or he has someone else and regrets it so he shows it with anger sorry if its blunt

What are some other good songs that anyone can recommend me like Like A Virgin Again by Chris Brown to dance 2?

You're probably not gonna get any answers. All the Regs are in this chat room thing. Unfortunately, I don't have any recs for you.

Can anyone recommend a good affordable jeweler in the East Midlands?

Without question the best place for this work is Birmingham's famous ''Jewellery Quarter''. The money that you'll save will pay for the travell and loads more. Google it and pick a manufacturing jeweller to phone. You might even send it by recorded delivery along with a sketch of your design.

Today I inadvertantly moved all my eamail to the trash. When i looked in the strash it all got erased. How ca?

when i looked in the trash it got erased . I did not intend to erase the trash either. Do I have a certain amount of time to retrieve it?

Girls: would it bother you if a guy you are attracted to try to put moves on you?

This girl I like thinks I'm a hottie and we have known each other for three years. However she has become really close to me that it would feel uncomfortable to her to show more intimacy toward me compared to other guys she dated. She is very sexually active though according to her and she likes hot guys but she never admits her relationship towards me. Iv asked her out a few times and she thinks it's sweet but she works everyday and she wont have time to hang out. She knows I like her and she's been acting extra nice to me lately. I want to see what will happen if I seduce her a little without making her feel uncomfortable.

Can you get a degree online from Syracuse University?

I want to get my degree in something with electronics or information systems. I know they do not offer all classes online. But if I did all they classes they don't offer online, and just do there online classes, will that get me a degree from SU? i'm in the military in san diego, ca so I can exactly attend the campus.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I have 2 warrants out, can I make a police report & not get arrested?

My now ex has my golf clubs at his mother's house and is threatening me via text to sell them. I have 2 warrants out that I just found out about late Friday afternoon and can't go to court until Tuesday due to the long weekend. I want to file a report and have already called the police but never made a report except that the conversastion was recorded. I'm afraid if I do make a report I will be the one arrested even if I do get my property back which is not what I want...I know a police officer who would not arrest me and come with me to claim it (you have to be present w/ a cop to claim property, they don't claim it for you in CA) but I don't remember his name and the division station won't be open til Tuesday. I don't know what to do cause I don't trust him as far as not selling them cause he is a tweaker and I can call his mom and let her know I need to pick them up but I don't know what my ex has said to her so it may be a lose-lose situation for me! Please I need advice BESIDES that I need to get my own crap taken care of! Thanks!

Should men take their girlfriends to jewelers and hint about the engagement ring they want her to buy him?

This is DEFINITELY the practice we should see if the woman is over 35. She should feel like the luckiest woman in the world if he says yes!

Concerned about whether my diamond is real?

The rainbow colors you speak of is called the "fire" of the diamond compared to the "brilliance" of the diamond which is refracted white light sparkle. The stone should have come with papers. See if you can do this even though it's mounted already. Lay it on some newsprint and try to read the type, in a real gem the type will be unreadable in a simulated gem in will be readable. Yes, take it in to be appraised, it may still have value even if not a genuine diamond.

Moving from Los Angeles, Ca to Memphis, Tn, Good idea or no?

I currently live in Los Angeles, and I've been looking into moving to Memphis, Tn. I was wondering about weather difference and anything else i should know about Memphis, before I pack up and leave.

How can a Sagittarius woman seduce a Gemini man?

By not worrying about Horoscopes, especially as more women believe and men do not. I personally think they are absolutely rubbish and have no place in a modern, scientific society, they have no empirical basis and scant evidence. But I would think that, i'm a Gemini.

I put a heart shaped diamond ring to jewelers to be reset in platinum?

When I went in to pick it up they said it was missing they can't find it . It has an insurance valuation of �11 thousand pounds this is a very well known jewelers

What did he mean by saying this?

My uncle saw me all dressed up and etc and when he saw me, he said "Girl, you are going to seduce your ex back" I was dress conservatively like in a Tunic dress... Not dressed provocatively. Does it mean I can actually turn my ex on?

Should I be wearing a medical bracelet for my nut allergy?

I'm not allergic to peanuts but I am allergic to tree nuts (they're two different things for those of you who don't know). I have an epipen but I've never had to use it because I'm always really careful. The first and last serious allergic reaction I had was when I was 11 (I am now 15) and it was pretty bad and I was throwing up and my throat was closing up and stuff. I was in the hospital last week because I ate an almond but it wasn't serious, it was a tiny piece in a chocolate that it wasn't supposed to be in. So should I be wearing a medical bracelet? Do I have to all the time? Are there any that are actually cute that are sterling silver and maybe a diamond? I'm serious! Can you actually get one made at a jewelers?

Was Cursed Captain Hector Barbossa in love with Elizabeth Swann?

i don't think he was talking specifically to Elizabeth in that for being "in love" with her, i think it was more of a horny pirate thing... his lust wasn't able to be "slaked" so he probably would've thought similarly about any pretty girl stuck on board his pirate ship.

I have a pair of 600 dollar diamond, gold and silver earrings my dad got me can a jeweler fix them?

okay so since my dad got me these earrings (imma dude dont call me gay) which was about a year or so ago, the part that goes through my ear is bent on both of them for both ears, and I am missing 4 diamonds all together out of them both, and the gold and the remaining diamonds are dull in color, I haven't worn them cuz they look bad, I just been wearing the diamond stud ones for my ears, and I am just wondering if a jeweler can fix them so that they look like they did when my dad bought them for me I don't want to just throw them away because my dad got them fo me on my 13th birthday and I hardly see him cuz he works so much and I don't think that would be very respectful towards my father, also can a jeweler fix my necklace or well make the color look better? Its just a silver chain necklace with a silver and diamond cross it's dull like my earrings and the color in the silver and diamonds are like foggy or something, and I ain't lying my dad gets me and my sister stuff whenever he goes away for business trips mainly stuff for me now because my sister moved out

Am I Sexually seduced?

I am unmarried. I am attracted towards one of my female colleague who is five years elder to me. She is married and mother of two. I enjoy her company. She treats me as her brother. But I am not reciprocating it. I intend to see her sexual cuts each time I converse with her. I try hard to over come this habit, but fail. I even masturbate in nights thinking of her. Am I okay or am I seduced. What will be the repercussion, if I advance sexually towards her?

How to seduce boyfriend when shy ...?

I have been dating my boyfriend for a month so i am still a little nervous around him, we don't get the chance to be intimate much at all so this evening i would like to initiate sex with him, any tips on how to get over my nervousness and how i should go about it would be great!

Should i have sex with my cousin?? PLEASE HELP ME!!?

Okay so I'm a guy 16 and my cousin is a girl 15 when we were kids we used to sneak off and make out with eachother all the time. And one time we got caught and we never did it again. But last summer I went over her house and I had to sleep in her room. And after everybody went to sleep she started talking to me dirty like. Oh ya you like to **** that girl in her pussy. And everytime she would make this sucking noise. Like she was preparing to give me head . And as she was talking dirty to me she would move closer and closer to me and she would ask me if I'm hard and try and touch my dick to see if I was hard. I didn't do anything because I was just in shock when it was happening. My cousin is coming over in a few weeks to stay at my house and I feel like if she does that to me again I might give in. What do you think I should do. Has this ever happened to you? And please don't give me the speech about how were related.Is she trying to seduce me?

Does anyone have information about PsyD doctorate programs in the San Diego CA area?

I am looking for something that preferably accepts bachelor graduates and is in the San Diego CA area. Any information about PsyD programs would be greatly appreciated!! I am totally open to night schools as well but probably not online degrees. Thanks!

Does Anyone Know Where To Get A Diamond A Certificate Of Authenticity?

i Live in Lexington Kentucky And i Found A Diamond Looking Thing Onj The Ground in Front Of My House, And i'm Wondering if Anyone Knows A Jeweler That Wil Certify A Diamond.

How can I measure my ring finger size?

I want to measure my finger to see what ring size I need. Is it possible to do this without going to a jewelers?

How do you 'seduce' a man into sleeping with you?

You've seen movies with those kind of scenes, right? Just immitate. I think you'd be surprised how easy it is. Every lady has a little seduction diva inside of them even if they think they don't. :)

Bought a cluster engagement ring for my proposal?

Its not the ring it self but the thought behind it. If you love it she will love it. The price the ring does not mean you love her more or less. You love her that is all that matters.

A jewelers/watch question. Do you know about Belair watches?

Is it gold or gold-colored? I've never heard of the name but a quick Google search turned up some sub-$300 models.

What's the best for family? Six flags, universal studios, etc.?

Okay so my family and I want to go somewhere in south CA. There's my 8 year old son, 10 year old son, 14 year old son, an my wife and I. I want someplace that the whole family would love. Maybe six flags magic mountain? Or universal studios? What's the best? Thanks!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Some please help cousin is trying to seduce me and i dont know what to do!!!?

Okay so I'm a guy 16 and my cousin is a girl 15 when we were kids we used to sneak off and make out with eachother all the time. And one time we got caught and we never did it again. But last summer I went over her house and I had to sleep in her room. And after everybody went to sleep she started talking to me dirty like. Oh ya you like to **** that girl in her pussy. And everytime she would make this sucking noise. Like she was preparing to give me head . And as she was talking dirty to me she would move closer and closer to me and she would ask me if I'm hard and try and touch my dick to see if I was hard. I didn't do anything because I was just in shock when it was happening. My cousin is coming over in a few weeks to stay at my house and I feel like if she does that to me again I might give in. What do you think I should do. Has this ever happened to you? And please don't give me the speech about how were related.Is she trying to seduce me?

My husband no longer seduces me, can it be that im pregnant?

Im 6 months pregnant and my husbands seems to be a lil less interested in me sexually, I try to seduce him and it works most of the time, but its always the same thing, and honestly im a lil bored of it, I want him to be the way it was before I was pregnant. This change makes me feel that maybe im not pretty anymore or that he no longer wants me. Will this change after the baby is born? Any answers will help Thanx

Could this computer play the killing floor?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What nfl team should i support out of these two: Philadelphia Eagles or New York Giants?

i live in England but i am going to a game this year. my brother supports Philly and my sis supports the Giants. I like them both equally but i want to stick with one. so ca someone help me choose, because my bro and sis always try and convince me to support one of them but they are biased so i don't want them to do it for me.

What are some good date ideas in San Diego, CA?

Mind you we are both 16 and neither can drive. Money is not an issue, just no more than 100$ please. We have been dating for more than a year and looking to spend the entire day together this summer. Thank you guys so much!

Could a woman ever learn to sympathize with her rapist?

Now I am not talking about the violent scary type of rape that occurs in dark alley ways. I am talking the kind where the woman seduces a man so much by the way she dresses and acts that he has to have her. If she left the poor man alone by dressing modestly and not sexually teasing him none of this would have happened I swear. Isn't a man's regret and guilt punishment enough?

Why does my 14 year old daughter feel like she has to have sex with different guys and can't say no?

She knows it's wrong but she's the one who seduces them and in the end she expects them to fall in love with her. I thought her better than that. I even suspect most of time was unprotective

I love my mom but I dont like who she has become. Is this normal? I feel so guilty?

Complicated back story but I will try to sum it up. My parents were together for nearly twenty years they split up when I was 6. But they didn't move into separate homes just separate bedrooms. She was constantly yelling and degrading my father so I am glad they split up. But while yet were separated my mother became involved with a famous musician (from another country Not US) and basically abandoned us (my sister brother and I) for nearly 6 years. She came in and out of our lives but only for a few hours on Sundays. She squandered all the savings my father (a relatively wealthy jeweler) created for us (my bro Sis and I) she was a custodian so legally she could do whatever she wanted. Sold all the jewelry he left for us in safety deposit boxes. And spent it on her musician boyfriend who became her husband. Her husband cheated on her, beat her, and cleaned out all the money. After this she came "back" into our lives looking for love from us but then became enamored with a young dj (he was 29 she was 50). She married him and her life became all about him. At this time she had nothing (no assets within the US) besides a lucrative business that does generate money but only if she is there working and had to start from scratch so she started doing what all pretend rich people do. Renting fancy houses driving nice cars but no cash anywhere. Or so we thought! Come to find out she built a club for her husband nearly 5 years ago. Everything was for him. He recently was caught red handed cheating on her he treats her like garbage. But I wonder if it's karma coming back around to her. I can't help but to feel guilty for saying that I'm so confused! She always says how she hates her life and leaves the country for months at a time without saying anything. She only calls me when she needs me to talk to banks for her or valance her checkbook. Our relationship is all business. Except for the countless hours she spends talking about her husband. I wonder if she really loves me. She's hot and cold one day she's talking great about you and the next day you are her enemy who's trying to sabotage her life. She gets jealous if we dress better than her or if we (the girls of the family) look nicer than her physically. She always accuses us of wanting her husband. She always says that none of us will be as good as her. She is just hurtful. I've never been to the mall movies beach or anything like that with my mom. She's never been to a teacher conference or anything close to it. Except she did make it to my high school graduation. My dad did all those things. Now my mother is more of a financial helper she gives us money when we need it. But makes us feel guilty at times I'm confused I feel guilty bc my mom does give me money so I shouldn't feel disappointed ? But I want more than money I want warmth and compassion and love. Not a competition about looks or husbands or success. And that's all it is. Constant competition! She creates competition between my sisters and I ( I have 3 sisters that have a different father than me my Sis and bro). I don't understand her? I feel guilty because I'm more peaceful when I'm away from her. Idk what to do i dont know what's best for my life!

LARP group near Long beach Ca?

Hey I'm new to the area and I am looking for a LARP group near Long Beach area and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. Thanks

Are the little firework things you throw at the ground illegal in CA?

Are those little things that you throw at the ground and make a pop noise (I think they're called party snaps) illegal in places where fireworks are prohibited?

I kissed my brother's wife?

I was over my brother's house hanging out when he had to leave for work. I was going to leave too but his wife begged me to stay saying she was lonely. I stayed and she started seducing me she told me my brother and her have been having problems and she wants a divorce but he refuses to accept it's over between them. She said she is tired of being sexually deprived and said that she has had sex in 3 years since she refused to sleep with her saying it was boring. She told me how she wanted to sleep with me and she always thought i was hot. She showed me her boobs and we kissed. I stopped myself before things could go any farther regretting that i even kissed her. I don't know if i should believe her she seemed sincere but they have always gotten along when I've been around them. Should i tell my brother?

Could I sue my landlord for falsely serving me a eviction notice. I live in Modesto, CA.?

My landlord served every tenant in my complex for failure to pay rent. The only thing was I was the only one paying rent in full & on time. In Sept. of 2010, the case against me was dismissed, but the notice is still on my record. I did not know til this pass May, when I tried to move into another complex. The property manager informed me of the notice on my record. I contacted the landlord and he appologized and wrote me a letter informing interested parties I was not evicted & that I always paid in full & on time. My credit is in a shambles, and I'm still having difficulty moving anywhere else. Any ideas?

Where can I take a cake decorating class?

I am almost finished with all of the wilton classes and would like to learn more. Please let me know if anyone knows of any. I live in the east bay area. In ca. San fran is about an hour away tgerefore too far. Thanks

Reheating "medicated" mac n cheese?

I am a medical marijuana patient in CA, and I'm planning on making some delicious medicated mac n cheese.. But if I don't eat it all would it be okay to reheat it/microwave it or would it be bad for the THC?

Why can't metals be extracted from their oxides by electrolysis of aqueous solutions?

I know that the metals K, Na, Ca, Mg and Al oxides cannot be reduced by carbon or carbon monoxide to get the metal.I also know they have to be obtained by electrolysis of molten compounds. but why cant it be aqueous solution??

Where can I find apartments for rent in lancaster, ca?

I've looked all over the internet it seems like on the apartment search engines but I was just wondering if anybody knew where I could like see apartments that people usually see while just driving around please help we really need to move closer to my husbands college.

Vivitar Viva cam25 ca someone give me the download link for installment?

So i have a viva cam 25 and i like i but when i try to pu it on i ges te computer forgot it or it as deleted can someone give me a link to one that actually works and doesn't give me scan offers? Thanks!

How do I seduce a young mother?

I met a hot, young, trashy 21 year old mother of two who started bar tending where I play pool. I am a "nice guy" who is 26. I could use the practice seducing women. What can I do to get a girl who typically goes for assholes to want something with me. I always end up in the "friend zone"

Can someone please help me with this girl, i honestly dont know what to do!!! Please help me!!!!?

Okay so I'm a guy 16 and my cousin is a girl 15 when we were kids we used to sneak off and make out with eachother all the time. And one time we got caught and we never did it again. But last summer I went over her house and I had to sleep in her room. And after everybody went to sleep she started talking to me dirty like. Oh ya you like to **** that girl in her pussy. And everytime she would make this sucking noise. Like she was preparing to give me head . And as she was talking dirty to me she would move closer and closer to me and she would ask me if I'm hard and try and touch my dick to see if I was hard. I didn't do anything because I was just in shock when it was happening. My cousin is coming over in a few weeks to stay at my house and I feel like if she does that to me again I might give in. What do you think I should do. Has this ever happened to you? And please don't give me the speech about how were related.Is she trying to seduce me?

Is this a good engagement ring?

VS1, color G-H sounds like a beautiful diamond no matter what size the stone is. Just curious but how did you come across such a great deal? I think you should go for it. At least for the diamond alone. If she is not a fan of yellow gold (I'm not) then get the center stone set into another setting. I jus got engaged and I love my ring! Looking around at different diamonds and different styles was so much fun!! :) Good Luck to you and also an early Congrats on your upcoming engagement! :)

Question about diamond quality and price!?

My partner is in the process of making my engagement ring so the both of us have been learning a little bit about diamonds. Our jeweller recommends that all diamonds are the same colour, otherwise it can be noticeable as they are sitting net to each other, especially in white gold. So I would recommend getting E colour. Your engagement ring is significantly better than the wedding band. SI1 inclusion are lower than VSI1. Try it on, see what it looks like with it.

Can you give a ring a matte finish?

Me and my boy are getting matching Claddagh rings and I was wondering if its possible to pay to give a new ring a matte finish. The ring we found for him is very rustic and worn-looking with a nice matte finish. I can't seem to find a good match in the same finish. Anyone know? Can a jeweler change the finish of a new ring?

I'm Having Really Bad Thought's Help Me What Do i do?

I'm Having Really Bad Thought's. I Don't No where else to turn. I Been threw a lot in and out of Forster care sense i was 13teen. My mom was on pills really bad so me and my sister got took. we moved from Forster care homes in till we got place with a family friend. We hated living there she was so mean all she did was scream. But we took it because she lived right down the street from my grand mother. so we got to see her. My mom always had money so she would buy us all new pairs of shoes all new clothes give us money to go to the shop to get our hair done. i guess she felt bad .So i was very poplar in middle school because i had all the new shoes and things everybody loved me. Despite what i was going threw. so when i got out of middle school everything went down from there. i left all my friends and went to this school where thing's wasn't going great. so i stop going to school so i stay at home all day in my room sleeping all day. time pass and i turn 16teen and the lady i had been staying with had took over my mom rights so i was out of Forster care. i didn't have to check in with my workers anymore. So i left her house to go stay with my mom and she was still bad on pills but i wanted to be with her i didn't care. This is where the bad thoughts come in at. Every sense i was younger i was the only child for a long time i was lonely my mom never really was around she was a party girl always out at night club's the only thing i had was nice things.From 7 years old till now i have bad dreams about dieing and everyone i love dieing almost every night i have dreams about getting on drugs and getting rape. it been like this sense i was young. my mom was never around so i use to stay up all night so i wouldn't dream. Then my mom got hook on drugs really bad. i use to see her friends use all types of drugs. I was expose to this at a young age. For The Last 2years since i was 15 teen I'm 17 teen now. i been sitting in this room not going outside not going to party's with my friends. Doing nothing fun like teenagers my age.i sleep all day i try to watch over my mother so she want over dose. She put me down talk about me i guess because she unhappy with her self. i lost all my friends because i don't never leave this room. i just watch TV all day and cry. I Keep thinking bad thing's first i thought i was gay because this one girl tired to come off on me. i never Liked girls and anyway but i never thought i was gay till she put it in my head. i always liked boy's i wanna be with boy's matter fact I'm in love with this boy. but these thoughts keep coming in my head and its driving me crazy. i do'nt know what to think. then i watch law in order and it was a case of a lady being a child molester. and i started thinking what if I'm a child molester? What if i like kids? I never thought like this in till i saw that show. Now my mind is going crazy. then i look at everybody in a sex way, I'm 17teen a virgin haven't kiss or had contact with a boy in 4 year's. the boy I'm in love with live out of state. I'm Just Thinking about Killing Myself i ca'nt take it. my friend told me its normal to have thoughts like that when i see type's of show's like that. but i keep kicking myself for even having bad thoughts like that i would never do anything to kids. i been around kids my whole life and never thought of anything like that. my friend also think I'm stress out and that i got to much time on my hand's from staying in this room so long. i just wanna die please help me PLEASE NO BAD COMMENTS I'M ALREADY SAD please Help Me =(

Value of a Pool Intairdril 1976 custom Rolex?

I have a Pool Intairdril 1976 custom Rolex that I am interested in selling, but I am unsure of what the appraised value of the watch is. Pool has been closed. I took the watch to a jeweler who told me the value of a 1976 Air-King Rolex, but he was not sure what affect the customization would have on the value. I checked a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a for information. There was no price listed on the website, but it did say that the Pool Intairdril custom Rolex is a collector's piece. Any information would be appreciated.

About how much would it cost to get diomonds put in a ring?

Here's the deal, my boyfriend gave me a ring a few years ago with 4 diomonds in it. We are looking to get an engagement ring now and want to incorporate the 4 diomonds into the new ring (2 on each side of the big one). So we will need to get a new band and the main diomond and have the 4 other ones put in it. Is this something that jewelers usually do and is manageable? I have just never really delt with jewelers and just need any info you guys can give me! Thank you.

Need serious help and counselling?

you better find another job....................your boss is behaving like this because he already got what he actually want from you..........he just dont need you any more........and i dont think that you are the only other girl in his life after his wife........believe said you have gone mad in his love but he really dont deserves it!!!i am sorry for that but he was never in love with you...he seems to be man who can never fall in luv with is short and you are young.......move on!!!!.............all the best for your future and take care of yourself............god bess you!


Okay so I'm a guy 16 and my cousin is a girl 15 when we were kids we used to sneak off and make out with eachother all the time. And one time we got caught and we never did it again. But last summer I went over her house and I had to sleep in her room. And after everybody went to sleep she started talking to me dirty like. Oh ya you like to **** that girl in her pussy. And everytime she would make this sucking noise. Like she was preparing to give me head . And as she was talking dirty to me she would move closer and closer to me and she would ask me if I'm hard and try and touch my dick to see if I was hard. I didn't do anything because I was just in shock when it was happening. My cousin is coming over in a few weeks to stay at my house and I feel like if she does that to me again I might give in. What do you think I should do. Has this ever happened to you? And please don't give me the speech about how were related.Is she trying to seduce me?

My friend's girlfriend is trying to seduce me what should i do?

he's a really good friend of mine and im not bragging but i know im a nice guy and i don't wanna betray my friend and i dont like tat chick ethir she may be the hottest girl in my collge but my gf is the only girl in my eyes and my friends gf is really nice too she told me tat she love me and i was like wtf she help me alot on my essays and she just really nice so tats why i cant push her away it'll just make me seem like a lowlife its not tat i didint try it before but when i try she started crying and i was trying to calm her down then she just ran away so i though wat was i suppose to do plz help.

Would these make good villains for my story?

Plutolatry-a group of money-worshiping misers who have only one goal/purpose in life; to amass wealth by whatever means. They are completely greedy, avaricious, neurotic, collusive and untrustworthy. They have sideburns, unibrows, bright eyes, hairy palms and feet. Their symbol is the she-wolf. They have a temple which they call the Almry. They work as bankers, accountants, usurers, moneylenders, jewelers, pawnbrokers, moneychangers, lawyers, morticians, restaurant/clothing owners, delicatessens, financiers and stockbrokers.

Can a jeweler fix these? And what would the price range be for them to be cleaned and fixed?

Yes, a jeweler can fix them. Without seeing how bad they really are, I can't give you a quote, but a jeweler will gladly give you a quote.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Amber - How to clean/clear it? Anyone familiar with crystals, etc?

IT may be getting darker due to the oils in your skin or perfume or lotion that you put on. Below is a link that has excellent information about caring for your amber. It can be washed with mild soap (like liquid hand soap) and warm water. If it gets scratched, amber is very soft in terms of stones and such then a jewelry can polish it. I work for a fine jeweler.

How can I tell the difference between gold and gold-fill? Is there a home-made way to do it?

I make jewelry, and I have mixed up some solid 14k gold components with 14k gold-fill and I can't tell which is which on some of them! HELP. Shame on me for keeping such a messy workspace but there it is. I'm hoping beyond hope one of those baking soda and vinegar solutions is out there for me to do this at home rather than having to buy an expensive tester or go to a jeweler.... Thanks in advance for your help.

My boyfriend of 11 years and have broken up?

Sometimes we want something badly that we just can't have. You want marriage badly - he doesn't. The way forward is through the acceptance of this reality.

When you find someone's eyes to be haunting/seducing/captivating?

Like you look into their eyes and cannot stop staring and you feel mesmerized/hypnotized by them, is that physical attraction or something deeper?

How do I get into youth pro soccer at age 14?

I live in Vista, CA and I want to try-out for a local team and try to make it pro. I do believe that I have what it takes and I've trained so long for this. I just want to know if there is any local youth pro teams around.

Is it only me or do I always make silly thoughts that I don't mean to?

Brain function is complex and unique. Your thoughts and feelings enable you to learn who you are. You are both a fleshly and spiritual being. Your spirit man can accept both good and bad spirit. It is the nature of the human condition and the universe we live in. There is everything seen and unseen. Everyone deals with thoughts but only you have your specific thoughts. We sometimes connect with others who share similarities with us and we feel comfort. Other times we clash with people who feel different than we do and we feel discomfort. I am very open and opinionated. Some people gravitate to me while others just want me to go away. I love my wild thoughts and sometimes I let them loose in the yahoo community. People have reported their escape to yahoo authorities. If you ever need to talk just e-mail.

How can i tell if my Movado watch is real?

I bought a esperanza movado at a pawn shop paid 100 for it. That's what i got the guy down to started at 170. I no the watch retails for about 400 to 500 right now on ebay used goes for about 250. My question is because my deal i made is so good i need to no what to look for to find out of its the real deal. I did take it to a jeweler and he put a battery in it and told me that from looking at it he believes its real deal and i got a steal. The watch says swiss movado made. On the back has the name movado and all the Serial numbers. Feels like the real deal not light or anything like that. What else can i look for any input would be great.

What do you think of this religion for a semi-horror story?

You've done your research! And a great imagination as well. It sounds like a fantastic story- post something up when you're done!

Has anyone had issues with armitron watches.?

I love my Armitron watch i got from walmart a few years ago, but it pisses me off that when i changed the battery a year and a half ago, the back plate would not go back on. Ive been to countless jewelers and watch stores and no one can seem to get the stupid thing back on. I really like the look of this thing and want more use of it. Any tips or ideas?? I live in victoria BC canada if you know of any places that can do this kinda stuff.

Can you make a ring bigger?

i have been ring shopping with my soon to be fiance, and i fell in love with a reasonably priced ring online. the problem is that the ring is a size 4.5 and i wear a you think a jeweler can make the ring larger if we bought it? or is three sizes too much to go up?

Did i get a deal on my ring ?

i bought a pre-owned diamond ring at a well known jeweler. gorgeous to me..5/8 carat center diamond and a total weight of 2 carats. i have seen this ring on the website for $4700.00 new. of course i know there are different grades or whatever they are called. I paid $1900.00. how do i know if i did good or not ? it could be a cz and i wouldn't know.

I'm in love with a girl who's straight and I want to know how to seduce her.?

I'm James friend on his account and I'm a girl. I want to know how to seduce my bestfriend who claims she's straight. I'm a lesbian but she dosnt know it. She let's me cuddle her sometimes, and we hug alot and have had wrestling matches as a joke in which I get to touch her alot. She's amazingly cute and I want her. Even just to kiss her and cuddle her all night. But I need to get in bed with her first. Any advice?

Can a silver plated ring be resized (bigger)?

I have this ring that was about $30, but its too small (it needs to be like a size bigger). I fell in love with it so much that I really want to get it re-sized despite what it would cost me. I looked at local jewelers (in Charlotte, NC) , but none of them would do it. Is there any jewelry repair place I can ship it to? Is it even possible to re-size a silver plated ring? PLZ HELP!!!

Is this a good computer?

You gonna buy it online? It says it's sold out. Anyways it's pretty good. Awesome HD and good control of the mouse. It won't go slow as long. Runs smoothly.

I have a question about resizing rings?

i would print out this page and take it to an actual jeweler and see what they have to say. but in my opinion is that any ring can be sized. the only thing that i know about when it comes to sizing is that my husband had to size his ring twice already and it made a part of the band thin and kept braking at that same spot. so what they did was put a half shank on it ( i am not for sure if that is the correct terms for it). anyway it made the band think in that spot and it has not broke since

I have a package coming from CORDOVA, TN 38018 i live in mass but the thing went to SANTA CLARITA, CA 91383?

i have a package coming from CORDOVA, TN 38018 i live in mass but the thing went to SANTA CLARITA, CA 91383 facility first, the opposite way is this a mistake.

Where is a good place to purchase an engagement ring or bridal set?

Shop around for the perfect ring and don't be afraid to negotiate (especially for the diamond). I had a specific band I wanted so we purchased it first at a local jewelry store (the store was the only one in our area that carried it) and shopped around for the diamond. We had two chain jewelry stores in competition for the diamond sale. Both stores even ordered in additional diamonds for us to look at. In the end the diamond was purchased at Kay at a significant discount. They were extremely helpful and accommodating. We ended up purchasing my fiance's wedding band there as well.

Can I take back a necklace that has been worn?

Like now all I have is the necklace and the warranty/receipt thing that I paid extra for....can I still return it for money? It's within the 30 days...from Osterman Jewelers. Thanks!

Are shorter more frequent HVAC cycles more efficient than longer less frequent ones?

I recently upgraded my Stat to a new WiFi controllable one. Today, our first hot day, the A/C unit was cycling at a much shorter rate ( 5 min. on - 10 off ) than it used to ( 20 min. on - 30 off ). The swing bandwidth on this stat is set to 1 deg. by default and can be set from .5 deg to 2 deg. Q? Are the shorter cycles more efficient ( energy usage ) or should I increase the swing bandwidth to match more of what my old stat was doing? ( the old stat seemed to swing between 2 and 3 degrees from start to stop of ea. cycle ). The A/C unit is working perfectly. Output at 52 deg. Dry climate here in CA so no freezing iced up coils. Freon level correct. 5 ton unit / 2000 sq. ft house. Thanks for any advise you can provide. - Mike ((

What do u think of this male teenage actor ?

heh, he's only 14 now and some of those pics might be old - so hard to tell if he's gonna transition from cutie to hottie. I like long hair - in some of those shots it looks more like big hair.......but looks like a nice kid.

How to find my horse a good home?

Our family is really desperate here, we need to give our horse a new home and failed miserably for months....we searched on the internet for adoption centers but none seem to have the space or time, or haven't replied. Please anyone out there would like to contact me and give me a straight reply and help us out? we are located near Pasadena, CA.

What is a good fathers day gift for a gardener,jeweler and wine lover?

You could get him a nice wine decanter, a Vintura to aerate his wine, or a gift certificate to a wine or gardening shop.

Why is riverside,ca not allow fireworks?

like we do this still but i'm just wondering i lived here all my life i'm 15 just wondering even though we still and will do fireworks but why its a stupid law thing.

What does "One Time Charges" mean?

Are you trying to set up a plan without a contract? If so, that means you're paying a monthly $47 for that plan, but have to pay just once that large lump sum for the phone itself. If you contract your phone, then your monthly payment goes higher, but then you don't pay that lump sum for the phone - you pay for your phone as you're paying for your plan. Make sense?

I'm in love with a girl who's straight. Anyone give me tips on how to seduce her?

First off I'm James friend on his account and I'm a girl. My bestfriend let's me cuddle her sometimes, and we hug alot aswell. We had a wrestling match a while back because we were high and I got to touch her quite a bit. I'm a lesbian and she dosnt know that. She's straight. I'm going away with her soon so how can I seduce her?

What are the most populated areas of hayward, ca?

what are the most populated areas of hayward, ca? (most populated regions, heaviest foot traffic) Which street intersection preferably! thanks.

USPS Item I shipped seems to be off coarse?

I sold an Item on ebay the other day, the person who bought my item lives in TX, and I live in FL the Item is now in CA why did it go all the way over there? I am just confused about the whole shipping process, some say don't worry others say that it could be lost.

My girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend and lied... What do I do about them?

Hi I’m 17 and I’ve had my gf, H, for almost 2 years now. I love her to death, she’s the only girl in the world for me, and I let her know how much I love her every single day. Even so, a week ago it was her birthday and she turned 18. I was at her party, of course, and we had a great time - it was at her place and there were a lot of our friends, but there was NO alcohol. But, the day after, my best friend, P, who I’ve always trusted, told me that after I left, they had sex together. I was heart-broken, literally, I still am. I called and called her, but she wouldn’t answer at first. P apologized to me a million times and said that she seduced him, but I did not believe him. Eventually, she texted me and we saw each other soon afterwards. At first she wanted to know how much I knew, and then she confessed and said she was sorry and that she still loves me the same way and that she doesn’t know why she did it. We talked for hours, and I felt somewhat better, but I was still shocked and felt extremely hurt. I always knew that we are soul mates, and this wasn’t clear to me. Anyway, we went on, and I’ve starting forgiving my friend too, cause he called me every day to check if I’m ok and my mom told me that this probably meant nothing to them and that it’s nothing to worry about. Anyway, I was at the beach yesterday with my cousin and there I saw them- H and P, together there, kissing. Now I’m completely lost. I haven’t told anything about this to any one of them, but I cried that whole day, I’m crying while writing this… Please, what to do? How can this be, what is going on? Should I face my girlfriend and ask her why she did it, or should I pretend that I didn’t see it because she might break up with me?? I don’t know what to do, I still love her with all my heart, but I’m lost?!!

Need help with rings size?

try a href="" rel="nofollow" to find your correct size online, read the tips section for best accuracy

Why do dark stains appear on gold jewelry?

Well, a year ago, my mom got me a gold bracelet for my birthday. Like 2 months ago, i noticed that dark stains were beginning to appear in the links, as if it was dirty, or something, which is weird, because as you may know, gold is a very difficult material to stain. When my mom took it to the jeweler, he asked her if i was going through chemotherapy, which i'm not. He submerged it into a chemical and it was clean. A week ago, those marks were starting to appear again. I got into research (i've been following the case a little obsessively) and the only thing i found is that those marks appear when the wearer is nervous, stressed or under pressure. Well, i'm just a junior and the stress isn't high during classes, and i'm on summer vacations, so i'm not stressed or under pressure. Do you know what else could cause those dark stains to appear?

If a guy only wants to have sex w/you but not any other activities does he really love you?

a guy i know for the past 7 yrs says hes in love with me and thats his favorite thing to do is 'spend time" w/me but we never do anything else and now that i want to not do it with him and i want to start doing other things with him like walking or going to the park he said i dont love him for making him wait. he doesnt want to go with out it past 1 wk and im confused when he says i dont love him. any advice? because hes calling me names like bad words and that im mean and im making him beg because i wont seduce him.

I hate my job, but boyfriend says I have to keep it?

I work in a jewelery store at the moment (I've only had the job since the beginning of February). I got the job after I had an issue/disagreement with my boss at my last workplace (Target) and decided it was time to leave after more than 2 years of working there. I was under the impression that the jewelers really needed staff (a lot had left around Christmas time, and they hired 6 of us to cover for them). But this really isn't the case. I get given 1 shift a week, 2 if I'm lucky, and I get paid $15 an hour (as opposed to $21 an hour at Target). 2 of the girls who were hired at the same time as me have already quit, and the other 3 are in the same boat as me - 1 shift a week. Pretty much everyone else who works there is part time or full time, so there aren't a lot of spare shifts floating around. I have been looking for a new job almost ever since I got this one and realised I wasn't going to get much work, but so far I have gotten nothing else. I am really not enjoying the job - the pay is bad, the hours are bad (my 1 shift a week is generally a Friday night or Saturday morning), and my boss is very demanding (we get spoken to if our sales are low, and mine generally are thanks to the fact that I work the slowest shifts). I want to quit, even though I don't have another job yet, because I'm just sick of it but my boyfriend says I have to stay there until I get another job (we're saving to move out - I'm hardly contributing anything at the moment though because my pay is so low). What can I say to my boyfriend to convince him that I really do not want to work there anymore? Or should I just stay there and try and wait it out until another job comes along?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Im desperately in love, what do I do!?

You gotta wait till they're done. Show respect. Stop pouring your heart out to he, and just talk to her like a friend. Or just don't talk to her for while, then slowly reestablish communications with her. If the relationship fails, don't be rebound, simply slowly give subtle hints you're attracted to her, and see how things go. If it seems to be going good, and she shows positive signs that she likes you, go for it and ask her out. If she says no, then don't over react, just act like you half expected it, and take it like a man. Then continue on, and hope that you can salvage a enduring friendship out of this mess.

Do lab created diamonds/simulated diamonds test positive as a real diamond with a diamond tester?

i'm just curious because i've read that lab created diamonds are still considered real diamonds just not from the earth. will they test positive as a real diamond if touched with a diamond tester at a jeweler?

Could homosexuality have originated as a way of attracting members of the opposite sex?

Bear with me, but is it possible that homosexual tendencies have evolved as a way to better empathize with members of the opposite sex, making it easier to seduce them? An in depth knowledge of what is appealing in the same sex could be very useful in attracting the opposite. Maybe in some cases, this sense is exaggerated to the point that it clouds out traditional heterosexuality and overtakes it completely. You think? Just an idea, which I admit is far fetched.

I live in Pensacola where can I find a good jeweler that can fix a emerald necklace?

I live in Pensacola where can I find a good jeweler that can fix a emerald necklace? I want to get it fixed because it was my mother's and she died and left it to me and I want one that will keep the same stone and make it fit the prongs and get a good chain also and at reasonable price also. Thanks.

Warped tour 2011 in Carson, CA or San Diego, CA?

A friend and I are planning a trip to California and were wanting to hit up warped tour, but we don't know which one. Is it worth it to go to the one in Carson, or should we just go to the San Diego one? Pros and cons of each?

Please help, i cheated on bf?

Of course it's your fault and two wrongs don't make a right. You need to tell him and I suggest you two break up because you two can't possibly make each other happy.

Why xbox 360 mic not working i ca hear but not talk i have the the old mic for it it worked but then not?

the mic is old for the old xbox but its not working any more please help me please i want to talk can i fix it i wont buy one for a long time

My cousin is desperately trying to have sex with m...what do i do?

Okay so I'm a guy 16 and my cousin is a girl 15 when we were kids we used to sneak off and make out with eachother all the time. And one time we got caught and we never did it again. But last summer I went over her house and I had to sleep in her room. And after everybody went to sleep she started talking to me dirty like. Oh ya you like to **** that girl in her pussy. And everytime she would make this sucking noise. Like she was preparing to give me head . And as she was talking dirty to me she would move closer and closer to me and she would ask me if I'm hard and try and touch my dick to see if I was hard. I didn't do anything because I was just in shock when it was happening. My cousin is coming over in a few weeks to stay at my house and I feel like if she does that to me again I might give in. What do you think I should do. Has this ever happened to you? And please don't give me the speech about how were related.Is she trying to seduce me?

Would you go to this birthday party?

Sounds great to me!! Being the mother of two young fine ladies now, 19 and 21. They would have thought it would be awesome. Im sure you and your guests will have a wonderful time!!!

Is Sterling Silver soft..........................…

I took classes to learn how to make jewelery just like silver rings, pendants and necklaces, and I have discovered that most metals are easier than you think to bend, especially ones that have a very delicate shape/form. Most jewelers may not be able to do anything, you would have to actually find someone who can actually repair rings for them to have the right tools. But once there, reshaping is something that is really easy to fix.

How to seduce a woman?

i am 19 years old attractive but i have no clue how to seduce a woman, many girls confess they liked me for a long time before they move away ( 4-5 girls) and they told me others do to. excuse the ********* i thought it was nessicary for the question. so why cant i seduce any girls? i am not normally cocky at all. and want sex soon?

Does this show he loves me?

Maybe he doesn't have the financial means to buy what he'd like to buy for you. I don't think buying things is necessarily related to whether or not someone loves the other person. Sometimes men just don't know how to go about buying more personal things because they don't think that way.

How To Attract and Seduce a Pisces Man When NOT In a Relationship?

So, Pisces men. They're so confusing, and yet so attractive! I have my eye on one I know, but I mainly want to see how far I can go in terms of a sexual relationship. We flirt all the time, but mainly with our gestures toward each other. How can I make him more interested in flirting and more willing to join in the flirting? What is some body-language that attract Pisces men? What are some things to say and do to him or even near him (haha) that "turn him on?" Please and thank you!!

What do you think of this legendary island tribe?

There was an island called Argyre, the island of silver; silver grew on that island like flowers, like herbs, like grain. Even the rivers were mixed with pure silver that it made everything glisten like stars. The natives of the island, The Argyrians, have lived there since time immemorial; they were slender-build with thick blond or brown hair, bright silver eyes, silvery-white teeth, pale or sallow complexions and silvery saliva. After many years, the island went through a 'bankrupt-famine' leaving the island as plain as the desert and as dim as a dungeon. They left the island and, according to tradition, became the first renowned bankers, jewelers, moneylenders, usurers, stockbrokers and moneychangers; but many years later they became to avaricious and greedy with their wealth.

Can you get Plan B emergency contraceptive over the counter in CA 10 points?

Or do you have to go to the counter and ask? Also, does anyone know how much it costs at CVS/RiteAid? Thanks in advance! I am 21 yrs old.

Is it possible to change the hardware in a Hp Touchsmart?

Some of those either use a laptop or a low powered desktop processor. It is possible to change the processor in both. I can upgrade a laptop with a Core i5-2000 sereis processor to a Core i7-2000 sereis processor as long as the motherboard can support the power draw of that processor.

I have been burgled please advise?

Get your insurance adjuster to come round and have a chat they will explain what you can claim and what you cant

Call me crazy,but was my teacher seducing me?

Yes, a lot of her body language came natural and she had little control. Playing with hair and smiling show that she is definitely into you. Also laughing at dumb jokes and rubbing against you is a give away.

Will cancelling a credit card with zero balace hurt my credit?

I opened a Kay Jewelers credit card about 6 months ago, they gave me a limit of $500.00. I have never used or intended to use the card. I am currently in the process of rebuilding my credit and filled out the application just to see if i would be approved, I don't think i even activated it. Should i cancel it or keep it open?

Is it legal for an employer to let you go after promising you a job and 2 days work?

you have no claim under employement law as you have to be working for 12 months and have an employment contract to claim for unfair/unlawful dismisal but, you may have a claim in the civil court if you want to make a claim in small claims court for the unpaid wages. if you do decide to take this route try to get some documentary evidence that you were promised payment that never materialised.

Reusing Center Stone from Prior Engagement Ring?

I had an engagement ring from a prior (failed engagement). My new fiancee knew I had the ring and I tried, unsuccessfully to sell it. When I bought the new ring I used the center stone from the old one in a new setting. The stone was approximately 1.1 ct. and high quality. The new setting was also nice and from a designer jeweler. I did this to save money for a better honeymoon or towards a future house down payment. I didn't tell her about the stone but she found out and is very upset. Was I wrong to do this?

My engagement ring needs rhodium plating, but can I trust it?

I have never purchased jewelry from Kay jewelers. If this is what they advised you to do, you need to ask them to ensure that your ring will not get lost and will be returned to you by a reasonable time. I'm sure that that it will be fine since they are trustful jewelry store. :)

'Betraying' my brother.. help needed.?

its might not be a good idea to go with being with her, it will ruin your releaship with your brother you have known your whole life! never leave your brother who loves you no matter what, who was there for you first... good luck to you..

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I have a friend who has a misdemeanor warrant Oregon. Will it follow him now that hes in Santa Clara, CA?

His misdemeanor is for menacing constituting domestic violence. He's now been in Santa Clara a few months and would like to turn himself in to get it dealt with but he's worried they'll extradite him all the way back to Oregon. Some advice and answers would be greatly appreciated.

Is this considered stealing?

My aunt lost her wedding ring. Kay Jewelers offered another ring until she found the original. A week later she found it. She was going to return the 2nd ring but she decided to keep it. She said she has insurance over it. Now she has both rings. Is it considered stealing if she doesn't return the 2nd one?

I have two 'sick' urges, how do I throw them off?

The first one is to seduce a young girl of about 10-12 (I am 17). I know this is wrong but I just can't help it. Whenever I see a girl of that age swimming in a pool with no bikini top on I can't resist staring. The second is to see my pretty sister naked. I am not gonna lie to myself my sister is hot and I have had dreams in the past when I have seen her naked (17/06 being the latest one) and I have even masturbated to her I the past. How can I throw these 'sick' urges off? This is a serious question BTW.

Why do all the ladies try to seduce me?

Even when they already have a boyfriend they go up to me and talk to me all flirty. Even in front of their bf! Ever since I started practicing the occult theyve been all over me! I had to stop myself from banging my friends mom (well he's not really my friend anymore) because even sh was all over me. It gets exhausting and I keep thinking everyone is just testing me to see if I would bang their mom/sister/girlfriend. What do you think it is? And should I give it to my friends mom? She also said " do you like cougars?" is that code for something? Thanks

Should I get a Cosumer Lawyer?

My husband and I purchased rings from Romano's Jeweler in September 2010. We were promised cruise package and lifetime warranty. Within a month the diamonds started falling out of my ring. Then it took 3 months to return it, they failed to call us. We repeatedly asked about the cruise package, and they always said next week. Finally we took my husband's ring needed to be resized so we took it in. We waited and after a month we went back in and we found out that they lost his ring. They gave him a new ring, which broke in 1/2. Right now we have not received the cruise package and have a broken ring. What can we do? I honestly would like a refund and I will return them their rings. It just upsetting how they lost his original wedding ring. Are we able to take them to court?

I think my cousin wants to have sex with me...what should i do please help me!!!?

Okay so I'm a guy 16 and my cousin is a girl 15 when we were kids we used to sneak off and make out with eachother all the time. And one time we got caught and we never did it again. But last summer I went over her house and I had to sleep in her room. And after everybody went to sleep she started talking to me dirty like. Oh ya you like to **** that girl in her pussy. And everytime she would make this sucking noise. Like she was preparing to give me head . And as she was talking dirty to me she would move closer and closer to me and she would ask me if I'm hard and try and touch my dick to see if I was hard. I didn't do anything because I was just in shock when it was happening. My cousin is coming over in a few weeks to stay at my house and I feel like if she does that to me again I might give in. What do you think I should do. Has this ever happened to you? And please don't give me the speech about how were related.Is she trying to seduce me?

Help with sex?? Please help?

I really like my boyfriend, and we're both virgins, and I kind of want that to end pretty soon here... I really like him and I want him... how do i tell him? I've never seduced anyone before...

Possible to catch anything by fishing off the shore in San Fancisco CA in the bay?

Is it possible to catch anything just off the shore into the bay? I mean i know its possible but is it likely? What type of bait should i use for this kid of fishing?

Is there something wrong with me???? need help?

okay so I think I'm straight I like being in relationships with guys but I hate penisis I'm not attracted to them at all, I find women sooo seducing and I get turned on by women but I've never had a relationship with a girl so am I straight or is there something wrong with me? I need advice or something

Can my parents still claim me as a dependent when Im secretly married to someone in the army?

My boyfriend and I are wanting to get married in a few weeks for army benefits and other certain love reasons haha,and we are both 24 years old. The only problem is, I dont want to tell my parents because they will flip. Is there any way around having to tell my parents, and not have them file a tax claim on me as a dependent. I can tell them i will be recieving my benefits from work but is it likely they will find out. We are planning on doing a real wedding in a few years just not right now. Any thoughts? Honestly, I am not in school right now but since I live at home with them and he provides half of my yearly income to survive but doesnt pay for school since im not there. Can this conflict? Please help... Btw, my parents are CA residents and my bf and I will marry in Georgia.

How to measure the size of a ring (not the size of my ring finger size)?

How do you measure rings? I bought a bunch of rings on ebay of various sizes and would like to measure them all so that I could resell them. I know I could probably go to a jewelry store, but I would like to know if there's a way to do it at home so I wouldn't have to bother going to the jeweler with all of these rings.

Seducing a taken woman?

Alright, its pretty straight forward, im physically attracted to a married woman. but i don't know how to go about it. DETAILS: her husband is in jail, i've known her for some time already, at get togethers she is always looking at me and smiling when no one is around, we do talk but never for long, usually because there is people around who know her/her husband. I am not sure what i could tell her or what to ask her to really find out if she is interested in something a bit more than just "friends" with out being too conspicuous just too see if we are both on the right "track". this relationship will probably just be physical and nothing more. I know she is married, husband blah blah blah.. gonna come get you blah blah karma.... i've heard it all, i really don't care so i don't want to hear that.

Would he want me back?

You must understand his position. One of you would have to quit the job for it to work between you.

1.5ct Princess Cut Diamond Loose?

I got engaged to my girlfriend 3 weeks ago and this is the second time now the stone is loose. The stone doesnt move but if you shake the rinf just a little you can hear a ticking sound. We were told the first time that this could happen with larger princess cuts. The first time the head was 14K gold but after the jeweler damaged the stone tightening it, he had to replace the stone. He replaced the stone with a platinum head this time. Now after only 3 days the stone is ticking again. Is this normal or is the jeweler doing a bad job???

Is my cousin trying to seduce me?

Okay so I'm a guy 16 and my cousin is a girl 15 when we were kids we used to sneak off and make out with eachother all the time. And one time we got caught and we never did it again. But last summer I went over her house and I had to sleep in her room. And after everybody went to sleep she started talking to me dirty like. Oh ya you like to **** that girl in her pussy. And everytime she would make this sucking noise. Like she was preparing to give me head . And as she was talking dirty to me she would move closer and closer to me and she would ask me if I'm hard and try and touch my dick to see if I was hard. I didn't do anything because I was just in shock when it was happening. My cousin is coming over in a few weeks to stay at my house and I feel like if she does that to me again I might give in. What do you think I should do. Has this ever happened to you? And please don't give me the speech about how were related.

What are some good date ideas in San Diego, CA?

Mind you we are both 16 and neither can drive. Money is not an issue, just no more than 100$ please. We have been dating for more than a year and looking to spend the entire day together this summer. Thank you guys so much!

Watch help! no one answered :(?

i have a piaget watch that's been damaged and broken for many years now. i want to get it repaired as it has a lot of sentimental value. my options are 1 i can take it to the piaget boutique which is over 3 hrs away from me and the nearest authorized dealer is about the same distance. or 2 i can take it to my local jeweler who is reputable. they don't sell this brand however they sell others such as rolex, etc. i took it to them to take a look at and they think they can fix it. they would first have to send it to a watch maker to get the mechanical movement working and then they would work on the cosmetic stuff inhouse. do you think i can trust them? or should i take it to the piaget boutique? obvious difference would be cost. but do you think they will be able to do a pretty close job as piaget would do? and where should i take it?

Why did she get mad when she found out I was using her?

My friend and I had a competition to see who could seduce a girl faster. So we asked these two girls out, and some how the girl I was "dating" found out about it, and slapped me across the face. The thing is, after getting to know her, I really started to like her. How do I get her back?

USPS lost mail but no tracking? HELP?

So I sent a package to my friend in NY by parcel post from CA. I sent it to her on 6/18 but she still hasn't received it yet.. it's been 2 weeks. I don't think that's normal? Not sure what to do/what I can do because I also did not have any type of tracking/delivery confirmation/insurance on the package.. IS there anything I can do?? Please help! Thank you in advance ):

My cousin gave me head...?

Okay so I'm a guy 16 and my cousin is a girl 15 when we were kids we used to sneak off and make out with eachother all the time. And one time we got caught and we never did it again. But last summer I went over her house and I had to sleep in her room. And after everybody went to sleep she started talking to me dirty like. Oh ya you like to **** that girl in her pussy. And everytime she would make this sucking noise. Like she was preparing to give me head . And as she was talking dirty to me she would move closer and closer to me and she would ask me if I'm hard and try and touch my dick to see if I was hard. I didn't do anything because I was just in shock when it was happening. My cousin is coming over in a few weeks to stay at my house and I feel like if she does that to me again I might give in. What do you think I should do. Has this ever happened to you? And please don't give me the speech about how were related.Is she trying to seduce me?

How do i make sure that a jeweler is telling me the right prize, composition etc of a gold ring i already pos?

actually my boyfriend has gifted me a gold ring but it looks like the gold is quite old ( i mean it isn't having a polished look). i want to know every detail about the ring like how much carat is it made of, what would be its prize, how old has it been made. means every detail. i live in Chandigarh, India. i want to know the current prize of gold in Chandigarh. but i have no knowledge about purchasing jewelry as such. how do i make sure that the jeweler doesn't takes advantage of me being so dumb in case of jewelry. please could somebody help me?

Where can I buy diamonds?

I'm looking to buy a square-shaped stone to replace one that got lost from a pair of custom cuff links. I don't know much about diamond buying but is there a place where I can go to, preferably somewhere in PA where jewelers are so I can get lots of choices and a good price? It has to fit the cuff link because it is an heirloom and has a lot of sentimental value. Thanks.

Clevers only ! 10 points?

you have to weigh one ring of the first jeweler, two rings of the second, three rings of the third and so on all together. so it should be (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10)*10 = 550 grams. however, when e.g. three grams are missing, you know you weighed three rings of nine grams, so the guilty jeweler must be the third. When it's 540 grams, the guilty is 10. When it's 549 grams, the guilty is 1.

I cant remember the name of this stupid book?!!?A DIY Memoir...?

I saw a book that I wanted about a month ago at the chapters indigo in the edmonton airport... It was some sort of thing where you fill in pages and it helps you write a memoir of yourself... i searched just about every combination of diy memoir, make your own memoir, memoir creator, etc on but i just cant remember what it was called!!! AGH. I think it had an orange cover, or red or something and it was in te scrapbooking section. Does anyone have it or know what it might be called?

GIRLS: How to ask this girl for her number?

Dude if you're really her best friend, why don't you have her number? And why so nervous? I'd suggest you get a bit real and admit you're not really best friends. Buy her lunch/a drink and ask for her number then when she's having a great time with you.

How can i show her i like her? and how can i dance with her to like seduce her? its like a grinding party.?

Okay so i met this girl yesterday at a party and she wanted my number and stuff she talked to me alot during the party.

Am I lesbian or bi??? I need advice pllzzz?

okay I think I'm straight becuz I like being with guys but I'm not attracted to them, I'm attracted to women, theyr just so seducing they turn me on, but I've never had a girlfriend, so what am I??

Would he want me back?

He has conquered & it's over! Sorry. That's the way male Whores are. If you can find another job, do so because it will be very uncomfortable working there with him. You miss that attention he's been giving you ... is all.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Precious stones without serial numbers?

So, if someone is selling a precious or semi-precious stone without a serial number, is that illegal or anything? And if you do buy it, will a jeweler cut it knowing that it doesn't have a serial number?

Where can I get this made for an engagement ring?

My boy friend and I have been talking about marriage lately and we have been looking at engagement rings. All the rings I see have huge stones in the middle and I just don't really like how they look. I love the look of my promise ring. And would love to find a jeweler who could possibly make an engagement like my promise ring. I'm not to fond of the metal used to make my promise ring (rhodium over sterling silver) I tend to have bad luck with stelring silver. I'm looking to get the ring maybe made out of platinum with diamonds as the stones. I've looked at zales and a few other sites that let you design your own ring, but none have the shape I am looking for. Here is picture of my ring : Does anyone know where I can get one like this made? I've seem similar settings, but none quite like this one. I like the 4 stones to each side of the main stone, and swirled type shape the ring seems to take.

Is the G&G Combat Machine M4 any good compared to the CA M15A4 Sportline?

I heard some good things about the G&G Combat Machine M4 but it doesn't come with a battery or a charger so I'm kind of wondering if the Classic Army M15A4 Sportline is better because it is a package deal. Please Respond.

Trying to get a custom engagement ring, help?

I have a promise ring from Helzberg Diamonds, it's 1/7 of a carat. We have been thinking about possibly buying bigger diamonds to replace the main stone to make it my engagement ring. Only reason I like the idea is because we arent really having the traditional proposal, etc and it would be very special to have the same ring altered, because the ring itself is very special to me. I love it, I keep comparing other rings to it, but I would never want to just get an engagement ring that looks like it. In other words I only want a ring like my promise ring if it is my actual promise ring. I'm just not sure how much customization is possible? Anyone ever done this lately? My local "major" jewelers are Zales, Helzberg, Marks and Morgan, Kay Jewelers, Jared. Would local jewelers be more willing to do such a thing? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Fireworks in Ventura CA?

What is the best place to view the fireworks from Channel Island. It is out first year in the area and really enjoy a close a good view of the fireworks.

Drugstore Mascara that makes asian lashes thick?

I make my eyelashes thick buy biying like 3 different mascaras and using them at the same time. It makes them long and thick

What does GS stamped into ls jewelers barclet mean?

it has round stone diamond and 5 square stones inside square setting then round then square ect. 11 round 11square

How to seduce White women? Do they like men who wear sombreros, alligator boots, and skin tight jeans?

Maybe in some small texas town, you might be a hit but here in civilization, you'd probably be laughed at and then laughed at some more.

How can i make my guy to fall more into me?

i sometimes dnt feel hes into me like im into him...i want to seduce him or do something more awesome that makes him fall inlove more <3 any help?

Is this a good computer?

You gonna buy it online? It says it's sold out. Anyways it's pretty good. Awesome HD and good control of the mouse. It won't go slow as long. Runs smoothly.

Is it possible to stretch a silver ring 1 whole size? (from 6 to 7)?

Depending on the metal - if its gold, the jeweler heats the metal and stretches it to a larger size. If it's silver, the process is much more difficult. Sometimes the jeweler will cut and piece jewelry, so yes they can definitely make it larger.

Is this a good engagement ring?

I think she'll like it, but it's not my style. I like a full carat princess cut center stone with little princess cut diamonds surrounding it. But, I'm not your future fiance. :)

I'm not ready for sex!?

My girlfriend (16) wants to have sex with me (14). I don't have condoms and I have no clue what I would do. The farthest we have gotten so far is kissing and seeing each other naked. We love each other, but I'm not really ready to lose my virginity. My girlfriend is not a virgin and says she is on the pill. There have been multiple times when she has gotten naked and tried to seduce me, but I always turn down. I'm worried that if I turn it down much longer, my gifeiend will dump me. What do I do?

Is it better to buy an engagement ring from a brand name store like Kays or a local jeweler?

Would Kays (or stores like them) offer a better deal and higher quality because they sell more or would a local jeweler be better?

Can employer in CA force employee to take a break?

My daughter works for an employer that requires the employees to take a break before or at the 5 hour work hour. It is my understanding that if their work day is only 5, 5.5 or 6 hours, they do NOT have to take that unpaid 30 minute break. Can the employer be fined for this?

What is the best Jeweler for sterling silver?

I am looking to buy a necklace that is engravable and perferably handcrafted. Its a gift for my girlfriend and I want to be positive that its the very best :)

Will my motherboard handle this processor?

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Could a woman ever learn to sympathize with her rapist?

Now I am not talking about the violent scary type of rape that occurs in dark alley ways. I am talking the kind where the woman seduces a man so much by the way she dresses and acts that he has to have her. If she left the poor man alone by dressing modestly and not sexually teasing him none of this would have happened I swear. Isn't a man's regret and guilt punishment enough?

Why did she get mad when she found out I was using her?

Well think about it hmm if you were in her shoes wouldn't you be mad? She was developing feelings for you and you hurt her. If you genuinly want to get her back Go to the store by a sweet hallmark card maybe a teddy bear and some flowers. Write in her card your sorry you hurt her and that she has a right to be mad tell her you genuinly care and have feelings for her and you want her back. Tell her you were a stupid jerk and messed up ask her to forgive you and give you another chance. Id she asked u about it say u never meant to go threw with the stupid bet and u developed real true feelings for her the flowers maybe some chocolate and a stuffed animal will help as well also don't make the same mistake again

How do I stop the attraction of other women?

Something like this would make it easier for those that suffer the lust of a woman that pins them into seduction. All of us men are weak and can be easily seduced. I feel that women that don't allow me to catch them looking at me and how often they do it is irrelevant and up to them. I just have a problem with other women finding me attractive while trying to faithful regardless what single woman I would end up being with in life or even to my future wife where ever she is.

Where can I find someone that makes custom jewelry from my designs that doesn't charge that much?

I'm searching for a jeweler that makes molds from soap/wax/clay carvings of rings and makes the custom ring that doesn't charge a lot. My price range is about $50 give or take a few and it doesn't have to be pure silver or a precious metal, it can be something like stainless steel.

My Cousin Keeps Hitting On Me Please Help?

Talk to your uncle and get him to talk to him, his father would probably be able to get him to stop.

When you find someone's eyes to be haunting/seducing/captivating?

Like you look into their eyes and cannot stop staring and you feel mesmerized/hypnotized by them, is that physical attraction or something deeper?

My 13 y.o. son needs to do court appointed community service but been having a hard time finding a place.?

My 13 y.o. boy has court appointed community service to do but we've been having a difficult time finding a place in West Covina , Ca. Can someone help us out

Is my cousin trying to seduce me?

Okay so I'm a guy 16 and my cousin is a girl 15 when we were kids we used to sneak off and make out with eachother all the time. And one time we got caught and we never did it again. But last summer I went over her house and I had to sleep in her room. And after everybody went to sleep she started talking to me dirty like. Oh ya you like to **** that girl in her pussy. And everytime she would make this sucking noise. Like she was preparing to give me head . And as she was talking dirty to me she would move closer and closer to me and she would ask me if I'm hard and try and touch my dick to see if I was hard. I didn't do anything because I was just in shock when it was happening. My cousin is coming over in a few weeks to stay at my house and I feel like if she does that to me again I might give in. What do you think I should do. Has this ever happened to you? And please don't give me the speech about how were related.

Can you return a item bought a one home depot to another?

I over bought on some tile i bought at a home depot in glendale ca, can i return the unused tile to a different home depot?

Is my cousin trying to seduce me?

Okay so I'm a guy 16 and my cousin is a girl 15 when we were kids we used to sneak off and make out with eachother all the time. And one time we got caught and we never did it again. But last summer I went over her house and I had to sleep in her room. And after everybody went to sleep she started talking to me dirty like. Oh ya you like to **** that girl in her pussy. And everytime she would make this sucking noise. Like she was preparing to give me head . And as she was talking dirty to me she would move closer and closer to me and she would ask me if I'm hard and try and touch my dick to see if I was hard. I didn't do anything because I was just in shock when it was happening. My cousin is coming over in a few weeks to stay at my house and I feel like if she does that to me again I might give in. What do you think I should do. Has this ever happened to you? And please don't give me the speech about how were related.

Why is he no more sexually attracted to me..?

i dont know what happpend to him has been a month since we had sex...he comes from the office and gets very tired....i try dressing up sexy..but it doesn't effect him much...he will just smile at me...and that's it...i tried to even tell him once that lets do it tonight...and he was like..making fun of what i was baby nooo..not a good smiling away!! !!!!!!....still whenever we had earlier slept at night...he was seduced many times and we had sex...but has been a month we had sex with each other..its not that i am frustrated or something....i just don't understand why..?? coz he is my love...and i want him to get into it that he doesn't find me attractive anymore.. or what can be the should i approach him for this...

Where can i buy pinochle cards?

Where can i find pinochle decks other than on amazon / onlinen? Does anybody know if stores like Target or Toy r Us, Walmart carry them in stock? I live in Orange county CA btw

Friday, August 5, 2011

Does it cost money to have a jeweler inspect your engagement ring for inclusions?

My brand new fiance just got me the ring of my dreams from a jeweler we found online. Now we want to take it to a local jeweler to make sure the rock doesn't have any fatal inclusions and such. Does it cost money to have someone look at it? And if so, approximately how much? Thanks!

What could i ask for this ring? It's 1ct diamond in 14ct white gold engagement set.?

It's 1ct diamond in 14ct white gold...I had it appraised at local jeweler for up to 1600.00. He said a written appraisal would start at $50.00, but he said to try and sell it first. I have a pic. but I don't know how to up load it on here.

I need help with my book, can you list all the gemstones you can think of?

OK, so theirs this goblin named Mia and she has a fascination with semi precious and precious gemstones, any, it doesn't matter what color it is, how shiny, even if its some little chip on the floor of a jewelers office she'll take it, and she has a crew of dwarves shes paying to excavate gems, she has a massive amount of gold and silver she trades with, and she also is paying a pack of werewolves to guard her giant pile of gems, but leaves her gold lying around on the ground, can you name all the gemstones you can and what color they are?

Gift for my girlfriend birthday hard!!?

Well, you mentioned that you had given her a jewelry. Why don't you give her a beautifully handcrafted wooden jewelry box. It's a pretty nice gift for a girl. And considering the circumstances, you cannot give her anything too personal so this just might be it. Check out the MarqART collection, they have some awesome stuff and well within your budget too.

I bought a J color diamond looks great outside but yellowish inside sometimes:( is this normal?

I compared it to H color diamonds before I bought it and it seemed brighter white. The jewelers told me it was because the J diamond was either graded wrong or just because the cut was so good. I dont know if its in my head because I know its a "J" color. I have heard that the inside light is just reflected back and that the bulb is a soft white and that is why it appears yellowish..Like i said, outside it looks amazingly white. Please help!

How to seduce a woman?

There's one girl that I really like. I would like to know how to seduce a woman, so I can get her attracted to me. If you have any advice or other resources that can help me out I would really appreciate it!

What is a gram of 14k gold worth today?

I would like to know on the market today what a gram of gold is worth or yet even an oz of 14k gold and where is the best place to sell gold as in a jeweler? a pawn shop? etc.

What is the difference between these two processors.?

The AMD processor has six cores running at 3.2GHz each, which gives you a total of 19.2GHz of processing power. The Intel processor only has four cores which run at 3.3GHz (3.7GHz with TurboBoost); this gives you a processing power of 13.2GHz (14.8GHz with TurboBoost). As far as value goes, the AMD processor is by far more powerful, and is much less money. The Intel processor takes 95w of power, while the AMD processor takes 125w of power. That isn't a ton of power diference, just a reminder to make sure sure you have the extra 30w in your PSU. The main difference in these two processors is their manufacturers. Intel and AMD are the most notable manufacturers for CPUs. Make sure you pick the right motherboard for whichever processor you purchase; LGA 1155 for the Intel CPU and AM3 for the AMD CPU.


Okay so I'm a guy 16 and my cousin is a girl 15 when we were kids we used to sneak off and make out with eachother all the time. And one time we got caught and we never did it again. But last summer I went over her house and I had to sleep in her room. And after everybody went to sleep she started talking to me dirty like. Oh ya you like to **** that girl in her pussy. And everytime she would make this sucking noise. Like she was preparing to give me head . And as she was talking dirty to me she would move closer and closer to me and she would ask me if I'm hard and try and touch my dick to see if I was hard. I didn't do anything because I was just in shock when it was happening. My cousin is coming over in a few weeks to stay at my house and I feel like if she does that to me again I might give in. What do you think I should do. Has this ever happened to you? And please don't give me the speech about how were related.Is she trying to seduce me?

Do you have to be a certain age to buy a diamond necklace?

i don't think you have to be a certain age to go to people's jewelers and buy diamonds. but i just wanted to make sure i don't go in then make a fool of myself, and they say im too young to buy something that expensive there, do you have to be a certain age to buy them?


so im from FL but i'm working in Sacramento CA for the next 3 months so my Question is if i have a FL license and Plate do i need to get it smoged?

Is my cousin going to jail?

ok well my cousin he is 24 and he had sex with a 10 year old girl and i know thats wrong but he told me the girl seduced him.can this be true and the case get thrown out of court

Where should i take my watch to get it repaired?

i have a piaget watch that's been damaged and broken for many years now. i want to get it repaired as it has a lot of sentimental value. my options are 1 i can take it to the piaget boutique which is over 3 hrs away from me and the nearest authorized dealer is about the same distance. or 2 i can take it to my local jeweler who is reputable. they don't sell this brand however they sell others such as rolex, etc. i took it to them to take a look at and they think they can fix it. they would first have to send it to a watch maker to get the mechanical movement working and then they would work on the cosmetic stuff inhouse. do you think i can trust them? or should i take it to the piaget boutique? obvious difference would be cost. but do you think they will be able to do a pretty close job as piaget would do? and where should i take it?

Expert's advice.... please!!!!?

I want to buy gold to secure my future......will it be sensible if i buy 1 gram every time i save a little money.....coz gold prices are hiking at a fast the time i ll be able to afford 10 grams....the prices will be hiked worry is....that jewelers deduct some money when u sell i dun wanna be in any loss....please suggest.... Thanks

Can I become a Registered Nurse (RN) in(during) the Navy?

No. If you want to be an RN you are going to have to go to school once you are out. The GI Bill though will pay for it. There is just too much work to be done in the military to allow for that much school, not to mention deployments.

Should i solder my wedding set when i get married?

I have a 14k white gold engagement ring and i have the band to go with it and I am wondering if I should get them soldered after we get married in june 2013, our jeweler told us that if we decide not to get them soldered that the rings won't use the same and it could damage them, and also how many of you have white gold and don't get them dipped? I was wondering is this a must getting them re dipped

Can a jeweler "remake" an earring if I lost one from a pair? I only have one of them left?

It was a pair from my grandmother, so I'm wondering if I take the earring I have to a jeweler, would they be able to tell me a company that would design another earring for the pair?

How long does it take for my credit to show on a report?

i have been trying to build my credit and i was accepted for a kay jewelers credit card with a 300 limit and i bought my mother a 175 necklace for mothers day and i paid it off in full when the bill came. how long will it take for that to show on a credit report because i am getting denied from every other major credit card company

I know my boyfriend is about to propose to me, how do i act suprised? Any tips?

My boyfriend of almost 2 years is going to propose to me.... how do I know? Because my completely loving but insanely air headed boyfriend asked me to check a transaction in his bank records and i saw that there is a $2800 transaction to Kay Jewelers... I'm so excited but i'm worried when he asks me that i wont be able to pull off a believable surprised face.... Any tips Ladies and Gentlemen?

How to get rid of a 16 yr old stalker that put a relationship in bad repair mode?

Next time you know not to take such young babysitter, you did the right thing. Continue to keep your guard and try to rekindle your family.

Wholesale Products Los Angeles CA?

Hello I was wondering if anyone happens to know where Bonita shoe distributor is located in Los Angeles. Or where you can get whole sale shoes for a good price. Or if you their is a place where you can get a member ship and buy whole sale items for very cheap such as house cleaning products, shoes, lingerie.

Kay Jewelers Interview?

Has anyone ever been interviewed by them? or have worked/ is working for them? I have an interview with tthem tomorrow and I really want the job. I want to do as much research as i can today so i can be ready tomorrow. i really want this. Any advice would be appreciated! thank u!

What a mess my wife had done?

Well. I will start out nice -- she is right, you don't trust her, at least I hope you don't. She sounds very narcissistic in that she is blaming everyone else for her mistake instead of taking responsibility for very poor judgment. I'm sure you want to believe in her innocence, but please, keep your eyes open and make sure you get that DNA test. I wouldn't trust this one as far as I could throw her. She is skilled at deception. I'd be keeping a close eye on her. Just giving you my opinion and I hope it all works out for you.


Hi. So iM schedule to take my driving test for the very first time in Torrance Ca. and I am freaking out! don't get me wrong i have had driving lessons from an instructor, but anywho back to the point)) I just wanted to know what exactly is the test?? do you just drive ?? or do they ask you what are the names of every part of the car? like breaks, and all that) And do they require you to kno your hand signals?? help please -no Dumb answerS) anD iF you have had your test in this particular DMV i would REally.REally.REally. appreciate youR answer/Tips/ :D :D <3

A follow up to the coin ring question I posted earlier.?

One answer suggested jeweler bezels.I can't see how that would help.Anybody have a follow up on that?

Seducing a taken woman?

Alright, its pretty straight forward, im physically attracted to a married woman. but i don't know how to go about it. DETAILS: her husband is in jail, i've known her for some time already, at get togethers she is always looking at me and smiling when no one is around, we do talk but never for long, usually because there is people around who know her/her husband. I am not sure what i could tell her or what to ask her to really find out if she is interested in something a bit more than just "friends" with out being too conspicuous just too see if we are both on the right "track". this relationship will probably just be physical and nothing more. I know she is married, husband blah blah blah.. gonna come get you blah blah karma.... i've heard it all, i really don't care so i don't want to hear that.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What would you do in my situation? Ex-wife's Fiance wants to talk.?

My first marriage, her 3rd. I was young dumb and naive, but treated her with respect, caring, paid for all her bills, never yelled at her and loved her and did everything I could possibly think of to save our marriage. Including getting her into a psychiatrist and medicated and into extensive marriage counseling. She treated me like a door mat and I seriously don't know whether I can marry anyone again she was verbally abusive, cruel, kicked me out of the house while I paid all her bills and lived alone in my paren'ts basement 1/2 the marriage. I learned her stories about her previous ex weren't all true from her own children and I feel embarrased that I ever fell for her and love her. Weve been divorced for 3 months and she's found a innocent victim of a 19 year marriage ending in divorce because she cheated on him. And he's walking around with his head cut-off so to speak (information coming from ex's bro. in-law) Now he is wanting to talk to me. However I don't get the opinion that he will talk to me without his Fiance present (my ex-wife of 2 years and one son). What would you do? I don't really want to get involved, but I just know that she put me through living hell and that there are so many similarities in the way she's caught and seduced this guy into her as she did me, there is just so many similarities it's scary. I don't want him to get another divorce, but I respect my ex-wife and don't want to harm her. What would I say? Is it even worth it? And Do I go out of my way or do I remain silent and let this older guy find out the hard way?

How do i turn off the flash on my Canon t2i?

If you use your DSLR in manual mode like it's supposed to be used, the flash will only fire when you specifically tell it to. As a matter of fact, if you use the camera in just about any mode but full auto, the flash will not automatically fire. Full auto mode is for posers.